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The big three questions

Do you know if:

  • If your IT systems are being kept up to date?
  • If you have any security weaknesses?
  • If your contract IT company is actually delivering what you expect (and what they’re telling you they are)?

IT Secuity and Audits is a very specialised area that few companies do well. And the only reason we know is because we’ve discovered issues in 100% of the organisations we’ve audited. The only way to identify these gaps is to perform an IT Audit. So if you’re not sure whether your IT department or provider has the Big 3 Questions covered then our independent IT Audits put you back in control of your computer networks.

You’ll get a detailed audit covering:

  • Hardware audit of desktops, laptops and server that can be used for insurance purposes;
  • Software audit of operating systems and major software (including licenses);
  • Check for implementation of Microsoft Critical updates and service packs;
  • Check for Anti-Virus software, systems and processes;
  • Server check for common server configuration and issues;
  • Initial security audit;
  • Check for backup and recovery systems and processes;
  • Check of power protection systems;
  • Basic computer networking check;
  • Initial Internet connectivity and security check.

The reality is that most business owners and managers need to focus on the necessary management and day to day running of their business. There’s simply just not enough time in the day to learn all there is to know about bullet-proofing your IT systems, so often it’s outsourced to other companies. And with the complexity of I.T. it’s really easy to leave a security hole in you system.

We also provide you with a detailed report of each of these items along with a set of recommendations ranked by suggested priority. This enables you to more effectively (and proactively) manage your systems in order to keep them working optimally (and safely), as well as providing you with audited system data in order to keep your IT Provider honest.

For more information please call 1300 132 768 or email us.

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